Five Tips to Help Your Beard Grow Stronger and Longer
Beards are more popular than ever these days, and for many men, that gorgeous beard stands for serious maculinity. "Grow Beard Faster" has even become one of the single most popular searches on Google today. Is there actually a way to enhance beard growth and make yours look better? Absolutely, and these tips can help. Patience is a Virtue: Good beards aren't going to happen overnight. Your body simply doesn't work that way. When you begin growing, become very patient. For the first four weeks, don't trim or style it at all. That will help to ensure each of the hairs grows in evenly, and in return for your patience, you'll have a chance to choose a style that suits you. Remember, some hairs grow faster than others, but go for the bushy, untamed look during those first few weeks. Wash Routinely: Especially during the early days of growth, you'll want to wash your beard as much as possible. Trapped skin cells can make things incredibly itchy, ...